
Society is immersed in conflicts at the individual, regional, national, or international level. Conflicts tend to be on the rise at the physical, structural and cultural level. These deadly conflicts have resulted in a great loss. Therefore, cultivating a sense of peace in individuals is crucial for creating lasting harmony in society.
IPS was founded in 2004 by Associate Professor Dr. Prasert Chitpong, the then PSU President at the suggestion of Professor Dr. Prawet Wasi (M.D.), Dr. Ekawit Na Thalang, and Mr. Sophon Suphapong, honorary members of the PSU University Council. IPS aims to produce knowledge to help resolve conflicts and contribute to social and human development through the study of conflict management, conflict resolution and conflict transformation as well as contemplative studies, human rights, and Islam & peace. Since 2008, IPS has offered a master’s degree in Conflict and Peace Studies, the first of its kind in Thailand’s southern region.

The MA program at IPS emphasizes on utilizing interdisciplinary approach to produce postgraduate students who are attuned to societal changes, and capable of analysing conflict and fostering peace in society. IPS collaborates with various faculties within PSU, such as the Faculty of Political Science, the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, the College of Islamic Studies, the Faculty of Communication Sciences, the Faculty of Management Sciences, the Faculty of Environmental Management, and the Faculty of Liberal Arts, in teaching, research, and academic services. Additionally, IPS also engages in academic collaborations with other universities both locally and internationally, including Mahidol University, Kasetsart University, the King Prajadhipok's Institute, Uppsala University, University College London, Royal Roads University in Canada, and Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM).